5/12/2014 – Sorry, I’ve been asked to remove these images.
Update: 7/10/2012 – There are now more than 60 VMware desktop background images in the collection. Not all are in the ThemePack yet – I’ll refresh that later if people want it. I’ve also added a rating system to the images so you can tell me which ones you like, and which are so horrid you wouldn’t wish it on your worst helpdesk-abusing user.
I spent a few minutes clearing my head between projects today by throwing together a collection of 40 41 (thanks @lamw for the multi-colored triangles on white image) VMware themed desktop background wallpapers. Some I borrowed from other sources, some I made myself. Check out my page with all of the images, as well as a quick Windows ThemePack I put together to easily grab all of the images for your desktop.
The very busy images (I’m looking at you crazy green, blue, purple, yellow triangle cluster monstrosity) are not good candidates for VMware View desktops as the many shapes and shades are not optimal for the View client side cache, but the simple black or grey may background ones (below) may be just the ticket if you want to dress up your View environment a bit.
I use the VMware Workstation image below for my VM’s running on my laptop to help figure out which machine I’m working on – helps when you get several levels deep in nested virtualization.
I’ve also got some with the Clearpath logo if you want to show us some love 8-).
Feel free to send me more to add to the gallery – leave a comment below if you’ve got good ones!
An updated themepack, and a plain old gigantic zip file, containing all the wallpapers would be great 🙂
Updated Themepack and zip file are uploaded and linked above! Happy Friday!