At EMC World yesterday, the newly formed joint venture between EMC and VMware, along with a strategic investment by General Electric (GE) was discussed by Paul Maritz (former VMware CEO) in the morning’s keynote address. Pivotal combines intellectual property and engineering resources (1200 employees) from both EMC and VMware to focus on solving big and fast data problems. Pivotal combines solutions such as EMC Greenplum and VMware Cetas to serve and analyze ‘Big Data’, VMware Gemfire to rapidly ingest ‘Fast Data’, VMware’s Spring and vFabric technologies, and Pivotal Labs software for rapid application development and integration, with the underlying support of VMware Cloud Foundry.
The combination of these products into Pivotal One creates the next generation of enterprise Platform as a Service (PaaS) complete with application, data, and cloud fabrics that are cloud agnostic. By taking an agnostic approach, modern applications and data can run on any cloud – VMware’s forthcoming Hybrid cloud, Amazon, OpenStack, or private clouds.
By building on open source software, Pivotal adds functionality and performance to Hadoop, increases deployment flexibility, improves component modularity, and accelerates application development for today’s most challenging big and fast data problems. With the new data, application, and cloud fabrics from Pivotal, enterprises can now quickly and easily deploy internet scale big data solutions without vendor lock-in. Learn more about Pivotal at or reach out to your Clearpath representative today to discuss your big data questions and to understand the cloud infrastructure you’ll need to support your big and fast data requirements.
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